When I first started this blog I was very coy about admitting I was trying to write a novel. It seemed somewhat presumptive when you have only written a few chapters as your claim to fame. Slowly I’ve been coming out of my shell regarding this. Last week I actually posted my progress (or lack of it). This acts as accountability to me – I see that number and say to myself that I want to see that change tangibly, and soon.

I’m also trying to embrace this more and take it on as my identity – not so I can claim something I’m not doing – but to own it more so that it becomes my second job. I write when I can wrestle the muse down at the same time I can plop in my chair. I know I need to write regardless of the presence of some mystical force that whispers in my ear.

To that end I’ve taken a couple more steps of faith. I’ve joined the American Christian Fiction Writers. I’m being more proactive in interacting with other writers here on the web. I know none of this means I am a writer too, but again it comes back down to accountability.

So off I go. Thanks for keeping me accountable, even if you didn’t know you were doing that! Just by posting this, it makes me get my rear in gear more. Whooooooooo.