Sorry that I haven’t been much of a blogger this week. I wish I were like my friend Becky Miller and kept up each day with a series. But a few things have conspired against that this week.

One thing is that we’ve had beautiful weather, and I’ve been trying to get those last-minute summer projects done before we settle in to cold, grey, and dreary days of late fall and winter. Boy, have I been having fun painting, repairing cement cracks, and the like. Not really. Handyman work is not my cup of joe.

Another thing has been a general disinterest in sitting down and blogging. For those that have been wondering, I am on my 6th week of unemployment. I have had good time and down times while walking this out. God has been faithful to provide for my family, and I am always looking for job opportunities, but the doors don’t seem to be opening just yet.

He has also been faithful to keep me encouraged. I have gotten down at times, but He is my sustainer. This week I have been blessed by reading a book, Making Jesus Lord, by YWAM founder Loren Cunningham (I’m actually reading the old version which was called Winning God’s Way.) It speaks of laying down our rights to reputation, finances, and life the way we want it, in order to allow Jesus to make full use of our lives. This is where I want to be, and the book was a good reminder.

I plan on continuing my little “Art and the Bible” series, as well as the latest Christian fiction blog tour stuff and other interesting tidbits. I did update my links on the right if you’d like to check those out. And be blessed, all of you saints of God – He loves you!