The first Christian fantasy book I read as an adult was Oneprince. It was a very gripping tale, with a young prince thrust into the kingship and trying to save his kingdom from darkness. It had talking animals, an amazing escape, and the search for an unlikely ally. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to read the ending!!! Apparently it was meant to be a two or three part story, but it must not have sold enough to justify continuing. So the lousy publisher let people hang out there with a serious cliff-hanger. Boy, it was a good ending. I waited and waited for the next book, seemingly in vain…

The good news is, from the looks of things the version on Amazon has is the “full edition”. I hope to get it some time and finish the adventure I started back in the early 90’s. Has anyone read the full version? I’d like to hear from you if you have!

Looks like we have a couple of new additions to the tour:
The Jerkrenak’s Den (of course!)
Jim Black
I can’t believe I didn’t highlight Becky Miller’s blog (although I did link there)
Becky Miller’s A Christian Worldview of Fiction
LaShaunda’s See You on the Net

Tomorrow I will look at a prolific writer in the fantasy genre.