I was blessed yesterday and today by a visiting speaker, Dick Williams. This man of God travels around with a gentle prophetic ministry of encouragement and exhorting the body of Christ. If you’ve never heard him, he’s unlike any speaker I’ve ever heard.
He usually ministers with guitar in hand. As he talks, he strums gently on his 12-string, and often launches into song. He is poetic and lyrical in how he presents the truth of God. He is also quite gifted in how he gives personal words of edification to people in the audience. He doesn’t know me from Adam, but he spoke a word to me yesterday that was spot on.
He talked about the ministry of the prophetic, which can be a controversial topic. However, he presented it with grace and making it understandable without a “Twilight Zone” factor. To quote Dick:
The testimony of Jesus (Rev. 19:10) is what He Himself communicates to people and prophetically through people. Therefore, truth spoken prophetically will be permeated with who Jesus is. He is majesty, might, light, and love. One or more of all of these ingredients will characterize true prophetic communication.
I could really launch into a lot of posts regarding what he taught, but that’s not my intention. But if anyone is curious and wants to ask questions, leave a comment and we’ll discuss it privately.