(Best read while listening to King’s X)
In less than a month, I will be posting in southern Germany! I am leading a team from my church to the Calling All Nations event in Berlin on July 15. It is a worldwide worship event, with a call to missions. We’ll spend the first several days in southern Germany, in the Bavarian Alps. We’ll spend a night in Salzburg, Austria, before heading to Berlin for the last part of our trip. We will participate in worship and intercession prior to the main event.
We’ve been planning this for over a year, and I can’t believe it is almost here. I know that is always the case when something major is coming. We’re taking our three boys, and I know that promises to be an adventure. We are believing that it will be a great adventure with them. There’s three more women, one of whom is taking her teenage daughter, and another man joining us. We all feel called to go, even if we’re not fully sure what we will be getting into!
If any of you out there think about it, we’d appreciate your prayers. I’ll give a couple updates as we prepare to go, and hopefully I’ll be able to post from Germany, including pictures! And no, I won’t make any of the World Cup football games, although I’d love that! And if anyone out there happens to be going, we DO happen to have an extra ticket…
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.