I’ve spent a couple of days meditating on what I felt happened at Calling All Nations on 15 July. There is a lot to ponder, and there is likely more that will come to me over time.
On one level, CAN had some very ambitious goals. They wanted 70-100,000 worshipers initially, overflowing the stadium. The last numbers I’ve heard have been from 22-25,000. From a worldly viewpoint that may be seen as a disappointment. However, that doesn’t account for the heart of the people that were there and what was accomplished in the spiritual realm. God is pleased by our hearts of praise, not necessarily big numbers. I’m not disappointed at all regarding the turnout.
I went to CAN without very strong expectations. It was hard to know what would happen with that many people coming to seek the Lord together. I mentioned before that I did have a picture of it being very easy to worship where we were all coming with a heart of worship, but that there was warfare in seeing us break through.
I did hope for 2 things, 1 corporate and 1 personal. I wanted to see a move of God manifest right there in the stadium. Personally, I wanted revelation for where God is taking me, especially in the light of losing my job in 6 more weeks!
As far as the “move of God”, I think that there was something started there, but it may not be as dramatic as one could see. I didn’t really expect people coming out with tongues of fire above all our heads (even though that would be WAY cool). I think people left there with a determination to see Jesus exalted both through worship and in bringing people to Him. As a speaker said during the event:
Worship without missions is self-indulgent. Missions without worship is self-defeating.
That message was repeated several times, especially toward the end of the day as people were ready to go out from there. There wasn’t a specific manifestation of His presence, but do we need to have some other confirmation that God is going out with us? “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” I don’t think it was wrong to look for something incredible, but God did speak to me and tell me to focus on Him, not on what I could only see physically. Why not always expect God to move when we come together?
For me, I didn’t get a map with waypoints on what to do next (wouldn’t that be so nice!). I left with healing in me though. I was healed from self-doubt, wounds in the past that kept me from really worshiping Him with my whole heart, and from the attacks I’ve been under recently. I left with a greater determination than ever to see His glory spread into all the earth, because He is worthy. He is such a great God, and He deserves all people praising Him. This has been my heart for a very long time, but it was burned even deeper into me. I don’t know exactly the steps I will take next, but I know that the One who goes with me is ever faithful, and I have no reason to doubt or fear.
Calling All Nations was a special event. It wasn’t necessarily “the” event of the year. God is delighted in a few believers worshiping Him quietly by candlelight, trying to avoid persecution, probably even more than a bunch of spoiled Westerners (for the most part) jumping up and down in a stadium. But Germany needs a move of God, and seems thirsty. I believe this event was a long-awaited drink to refresh the believers, to touch the land, and that from this there will be fruit that is harvested over a long period of time. I’m sure more will come out from the event as we get further away.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for the event or for our group, because your prayers made SUCH a difference. Blessings!
I left with healing in me though. I was healed from self-doubt, wounds in the past that kept me from really worshiping Him with my whole heart, and from the attacks I’ve been under recently. I left with a greater determination than ever to see His glory spread into all the earth, because He is worthy. He is such a great God, and He deserves all people praising Him. This has been my heart for a very long time, but it was burned even deeper into me. I don’t know exactly the steps I will take next, but I know that the One who goes with me is ever faithful, and I have no reason to doubt or fear.
Great answer to prayer, Jason. Thanks for sharing this!