Whenever I lack the words to express something, I can usually turn to the esteemable Rich Mullins.

Lord, it’s hard to turn the other cheek
Hard to bless when others curse you
Oh Lord, it’s hard to be a man of peace
Lord, it’s hard, oh it’s hard,
You know it’s hard to be like Jesus

I know that I wasn’t “cursed” last week. God is sovereign and in control. Yet, it is human nature to want to know what happened. Why? It’s the toughest question to answer so often.

I don’t really have any more answers on why than I did last week. It isn’t easy to swallow my pride and walk in the doors of my job each morning, knowing that they don’t want me in 3 months. My heart is to be a witness in how I leave. If I can walk this out in grace and peace, I think that will speak something.

But as dear brother Rich says: It is HARD. It ain’t easy! It was hard last week, and it remains hard this week. I’m sure it will ease some, but it won’t be the same until I pack my last box out.

It is also hard to walk like Jesus. It is the narrow way for a good reason – it takes a lot of effort. Yet God has been very faithful to me to bring encouragement time and time again.

Go read the lyrics to Rich’s song (course, it is always better to go listen to it!), and see if you can’t relate to how the Christian life is “hard”. There can be a comfort there in knowing that I’m willing to tackle the hard road, but I know it is only by His grace and power I’m able to walk at all.

I don’t want this to be sob posting every time, but I wanted to share about the struggle we all deal with from time to time.