Hey, is it time for the Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy tour again?
Yes, yes it is.
This month the feature is One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul. She is a steady and sure hand for speculative fiction. I’m too involved in other projects so I didn’t get to read this new book, but here’s a little magnification of the message.
See all the folks below? Check them out for the latest and greatest on this new series.
Here’s the Amazon blurb:Cantor D’Ahma waited his whole life for this day. Born with a gift to jump between worlds, the young realm walker is finally ready to leave his elderly mentor and accept his role as protector and defender of the realms. But mere hours after he steps through his first portal, Cantor discovers that his job will be more dangerous and difficult than he ever imagined. The realms are plagued with crime and cruelty, and even members of the once-noble Realm Walkers Guild can no longer be trusted. To make matters worse, his first assignment—finding a dragon to assist him on his quest—has led him to Bridger, who is clearly inept and won’t leave him alone. With the help of his new friends Bixby and Dukmee, Cantor must uncover the secrets of the corrupt guild before they become too powerful to be stopped. But his skills aren’t progressing as fast as he would like, and as he finds himself deeper and deeper in the guild’s layers of deceit, Cantor struggles to determine where his true allegiance lies.
Julie Bihn Keanan Brand Beckie Burnham Mike Coville Pauline Creeden Vicky DealSharingAunt Carol Gehringer Rebekah Gyger Janeen Ippolito Carol Keen Krystine Kercher Emileigh Latham Jennette Mbewe Shannon McDermott Meagan @ Blooming with Books Melanie @ Christian Bookshelf Reviews Rebecca LuElla Miller Joan Nienhuis Nissa Donita K. Paul Audrey Sauble Chawna Schroeder James Somers Jojo Sutis Jessica Thomas Steve Trower Shane Werlinger Jill Williamson Deborah Wilson
Ah! I really wanted to hear what you thought on the book. 🙁 But, I understand. When I read Merlin’s Blade for the CSFF tour, I was a week late in publishing my review.
I know. It sounded intriguing, but I just got my manuscript back from a freelance edit, so I am swamped. Thanks for keeping an eye out though.