by Jason Joyner | Aug 11, 2008 | Blog, ministry, missions, Olympics, prayer, world events

If your house is like ours, the Olympics will be on television frequently over the next few weeks. I’ve been critical on this blog about China and its human rights record and the way Christians especially are treated. However, I view the Olympics at this point as an opportunity. I am disappointed that China continues to clamp down on its people and expression, as evidenced by various news stories in the last couple of weeks, but I don’t expect a tiger to change its stripes without divine intervention.
That is the opportunity presented to all of us enjoying the Olympics. I think Christians can take this chance to really pray and intercede for China and the other nations mentioned during the Olympics. I am very globally minded, but I understand that people in general aren’t thinking about various countries around the world. Use the Olympics as inspiration to pray for countries as you see events happen. A swimmer from Zimbabwe? A Brazilian beach volleyball player? A Sudanese track star? If the Holy Spirit stirs your heart, take time to pray for these nations. A great resource is Operation World, which has a nation a day for prayer. Of course it has very good information on China. We can especially pray for China while it is highlighted over the next weeks. If Beijing wanted to showcase itself and the country to the world, let’s pray that the Light of the world will illuminate the nation and touch the needy souls.
If you want to find a particular country on Operation World, just google the country’s name along with Operation World and it should come up easily.
Take this great opportunity presented to the church, to send prayer on behalf of other countries and peoples around the world from wherever we are!
by Jason Joyner | Aug 11, 2008 | Blog, ministry, missions, Olympics, prayer, world events

If your house is like ours, the Olympics will be on television frequently over the next few weeks. I’ve been critical on this blog about China and its human rights record and the way Christians especially are treated. However, I view the Olympics at this point as an opportunity. I am disappointed that China continues to clamp down on its people and expression, as evidenced by various news stories in the last couple of weeks, but I don’t expect a tiger to change its stripes without divine intervention.
That is the opportunity presented to all of us enjoying the Olympics. I think Christians can take this chance to really pray and intercede for China and the other nations mentioned during the Olympics. I am very globally minded, but I understand that people in general aren’t thinking about various countries around the world. Use the Olympics as inspiration to pray for countries as you see events happen. A swimmer from Zimbabwe? A Brazilian beach volleyball player? A Sudanese track star? If the Holy Spirit stirs your heart, take time to pray for these nations. A great resource is Operation World, which has a nation a day for prayer. Of course it has very good information on China. We can especially pray for China while it is highlighted over the next weeks. If Beijing wanted to showcase itself and the country to the world, let’s pray that the Light of the world will illuminate the nation and touch the needy souls.
If you want to find a particular country on Operation World, just google the country’s name along with Operation World and it should come up easily.
Take this great opportunity presented to the church, to send prayer on behalf of other countries and peoples around the world from wherever we are!
by Jason Joyner | Aug 2, 2008 | Beijing, Blog, China, Olympics, world events
I am so shocked.
Beijing has had trouble with keeping its promise about human rights improvements during the Olympic Games:
“By continuing to persecute and punish those who speak out for human rights, the Chinese authorities have lost sight of the promises they made when they were granted the Games seven years ago,” said Roseann Rife, Amnesty’s Asia-Pacific deputy director.
Read more in this MSNBC story. Really, it is amazing.
by Jason Joyner | Aug 2, 2008 | Beijing, Blog, China, Olympics, world events
I am so shocked.
Beijing has had trouble with keeping its promise about human rights improvements during the Olympic Games:
“By continuing to persecute and punish those who speak out for human rights, the Chinese authorities have lost sight of the promises they made when they were granted the Games seven years ago,” said Roseann Rife, Amnesty’s Asia-Pacific deputy director.
Read more in this MSNBC story. Really, it is amazing.
by Jason Joyner | Dec 15, 2007 | Blog, giving, missions, world events, YWAM
Here is a note from YWAM Arvada’s accounting department. I asked them how we could give to support YWAM and the families in this tragedy. I want to remind people that YWAMers all serve as volunteers, raising support from their churches and family to go on these mission trips or to be on staff. I’m sure that there have been extra costs the Arvada center to deal with issues from this event. The families of the victims have extra bills, and there is a scholarship now established in the name of Phillip Crouse and Tiffany Johnson. See the note below. I know there are so many financial obligations and possibilities to give at this time. I only ask you prayerfully consider joining me in donating.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers at this time. We are grateful for your desire to pray for us and to also help meet some of the immediate financial needs for the families. We have established three separate funds that you can give towards:
1) Victims Assistance Fund (to help family needs in re: to burial, etc.)
2) Phil & Tiffany Scholarship (for future students wanting to do missions)
3) YWAM Denver Emergency Fund
If you would like to give, you can do it in the following ways:
1) Check
Please make all checks payable to “Youth With A Mission Denver.” Mail the checks to 12750 W. 63rd Ave/Arvada, CO 80004 with a note designating it to the fund you would like it to go to.
2) Credit Card
We take Visa, Master Card, and American Express
You can call our accounting office at (303) 424-1144 or via email at accounting (at) ywamdenver (dot) org.
Thank you for standing with us at this time of need. It is deeply appreciated.
by Jason Joyner | Dec 15, 2007 | Blog, giving, missions, world events, YWAM
Here is a note from YWAM Arvada’s accounting department. I asked them how we could give to support YWAM and the families in this tragedy. I want to remind people that YWAMers all serve as volunteers, raising support from their churches and family to go on these mission trips or to be on staff. I’m sure that there have been extra costs the Arvada center to deal with issues from this event. The families of the victims have extra bills, and there is a scholarship now established in the name of Phillip Crouse and Tiffany Johnson. See the note below. I know there are so many financial obligations and possibilities to give at this time. I only ask you prayerfully consider joining me in donating.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers at this time. We are grateful for your desire to pray for us and to also help meet some of the immediate financial needs for the families. We have established three separate funds that you can give towards:
1) Victims Assistance Fund (to help family needs in re: to burial, etc.)
2) Phil & Tiffany Scholarship (for future students wanting to do missions)
3) YWAM Denver Emergency Fund
If you would like to give, you can do it in the following ways:
1) Check
Please make all checks payable to “Youth With A Mission Denver.” Mail the checks to 12750 W. 63rd Ave/Arvada, CO 80004 with a note designating it to the fund you would like it to go to.
2) Credit Card
We take Visa, Master Card, and American Express
You can call our accounting office at (303) 424-1144 or via email at accounting (at) ywamdenver (dot) org.
Thank you for standing with us at this time of need. It is deeply appreciated.