by Jason Joyner | Feb 4, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized

Yeah, I’m posting this 1 1/2 hours before the game, but I already know of winners of today’s big event.
Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith are two men who deserve to be coaching in the Super Bowl. They exemplify character and strength. And they are both committed Christians.
“God is the center of my life,” Smith told the media during a Super Bowl press conference earlier this week. “It controls all that I do. I hope I don’t have to spend my time telling my players I’m a Christian. I hope they see it in my life every day.”
I’ve always been a Dallas Cowboys fan, but I am relieved that we are rid of the Big Tuna, Bill Parcells. He is seen as a coach in control, but it is by intimidating and berating his players. In contrast, Tony Dungy has this to say of his sideline rival for today:
“He does things the right way,” Dungy said of Smith after the Colts and Bears each won their conference championship games. “No profanity, no intimidation, just helping his guys the best he can—and that’s the way I try to do it. I think it’s great that we’re able to show the world not only that African-American coaches can do it, but Christian coaches can do it in a way that we can still win.”
I don’t care who you root for in this game. I really don’t have a strong opinion who wins in this one. But I would like people to know about the great type of men that will be coaching their teams this Sunday.
“The Lord set this up in a way that no one would believe it,” Dungy said after the Colts and Bears advanced to the Super Bowl. “The Lord tested us a lot this year, but he set this up to get all the glory.”
All quotes are from the Christianity Today web article “Christian Coaches Face Off for Super Bowl XLI”.
by Jason Joyner | Feb 3, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized

“If you breathe, it will find you.”
With a tag line like that, you know that you’re in for quite a ride. This is the world that Robert Liparulo envisions in GERM, his latest novel. The latest book in the CFBA tour is quite the page-turner. I gave a sneak peek into GERM back in December, as it made my Top Six for Oh Six.
Liparulo explores the possibilities of “designer viruses” in this book. He sets up a tale of a vengeful biological weapons scientist, who manages to mutate the Ebola virus into a targeted killer that will only manifest with those who have certain DNA. If you don’t, you just get a cold. If you are the unfortunate one, death will be merciful if it comes quickly via heart failure. Otherwise the torture of having internal organs liquify will be your fate.
Even though the book has a lot of biology in it, he wraps it around a slam bang action novel. You can’t count on a protaganist always making it out alive! Despite the premise, the biological warfare takes somewhat of a backseat to the non-stop action. Being a biology major and a health care professional, that was slightly disappointing – but it didn’t stop me from enjoying the whirlwind.
The plot is the standout point. As I said in my Top Six post, I started to skim a few pages when I got this and ended up disappearing for an hour to read. There is minimal down time. If suspense/thriller is your thing, you won’t be disappointed.
He does a good job with the characterizations as well. Julia Matheson is a well-done protaganist, with doubts and strengths that show at key times in the book. Sometimes she gets introspective at interesting times, but this is a quibble. There is a subtle message of reconciliation and the value of sacrifice in here as well. It is too bad that this book gets sequestered in the Christian section at Barnes and Noble, because it would appeal broadly to any suspense fan.
My biggest (yet minor) criticism is the recurrent theme of the “super-assassin” that I’ve been seeing crop up in several Christian books. Sure, these guys have extrordinary skills that keep the pressure on the heroes, but it seems like a handy literary device that is being used a lot lately. Liparulo multiplies the effect in GERM (you have to read it to see!). Also, he seems to have a fascination with the mettalic taste/smell of blood. You’d think characters were bleeding pennies as much as the “copper” description is used. On that note, it is one of the bloodiest (if not the most) CBA books I’ve ever read. If battle damage is not your thing, then do think twice on reading it.
Overall a very entertaining and engrossing read. It combines real world fears in a thrill ride that will keep you turning the pages. For more great info, check out CJ Darlington’s interview with the author, as well as others on the CFBA tour.
by Jason Joyner | Feb 3, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized

“If you breathe, it will find you.”
With a tag line like that, you know that you’re in for quite a ride. This is the world that Robert Liparulo envisions in GERM, his latest novel. The latest book in the CFBA tour is quite the page-turner. I gave a sneak peek into GERM back in December, as it made my Top Six for Oh Six.
Liparulo explores the possibilities of “designer viruses” in this book. He sets up a tale of a vengeful biological weapons scientist, who manages to mutate the Ebola virus into a targeted killer that will only manifest with those who have certain DNA. If you don’t, you just get a cold. If you are the unfortunate one, death will be merciful if it comes quickly via heart failure. Otherwise the torture of having internal organs liquify will be your fate.
Even though the book has a lot of biology in it, he wraps it around a slam bang action novel. You can’t count on a protaganist always making it out alive! Despite the premise, the biological warfare takes somewhat of a backseat to the non-stop action. Being a biology major and a health care professional, that was slightly disappointing – but it didn’t stop me from enjoying the whirlwind.
The plot is the standout point. As I said in my Top Six post, I started to skim a few pages when I got this and ended up disappearing for an hour to read. There is minimal down time. If suspense/thriller is your thing, you won’t be disappointed.
He does a good job with the characterizations as well. Julia Matheson is a well-done protaganist, with doubts and strengths that show at key times in the book. Sometimes she gets introspective at interesting times, but this is a quibble. There is a subtle message of reconciliation and the value of sacrifice in here as well. It is too bad that this book gets sequestered in the Christian section at Barnes and Noble, because it would appeal broadly to any suspense fan.
My biggest (yet minor) criticism is the recurrent theme of the “super-assassin” that I’ve been seeing crop up in several Christian books. Sure, these guys have extrordinary skills that keep the pressure on the heroes, but it seems like a handy literary device that is being used a lot lately. Liparulo multiplies the effect in GERM (you have to read it to see!). Also, he seems to have a fascination with the mettalic taste/smell of blood. You’d think characters were bleeding pennies as much as the “copper” description is used. On that note, it is one of the bloodiest (if not the most) CBA books I’ve ever read. If battle damage is not your thing, then do think twice on reading it.
Overall a very entertaining and engrossing read. It combines real world fears in a thrill ride that will keep you turning the pages. For more great info, check out CJ Darlington’s interview with the author, as well as others on the CFBA tour.
by Jason Joyner | Feb 2, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream!” – Amos 5:24
Anyone who is interested in social justice, not only Christians, should be concerned about the following item.
According to Breakpoint, the country of Myanmar (Burma) is ordering that “Christians be wiped out” (from a report in the 1/21 edition of the British newspaper the Telegraph.) The world has learned what can happen if one group of people targets another for destruction. From Nazi Germany to Stalin to Rwanda and the Balkans, unspeakable evils can be attempted by misguided people.
A quote from the article from Breakpoint reads:
This is all part of a pattern of persecution, which includes “ethnic cleansing” of Christian minority groups, the destruction of villages, forced conversions, and even rape and murder. It’s part of the regime’s attempt “to create a uniform society in which the race and language is Burmese and the only accepted religion is Buddhism.”
I encourage anyone who reads this to pray and, if so inclined, to contact your representatives about pressuring China to apply pressure on Myanmar. We’ve learned painful lessons of what happens if we don’t speak out. I would cry out if the situation were reversed – it doesn’t matter who it is, no people group deserves terror like that. Standing for fellow Christians makes it even more pressing.
by Jason Joyner | Feb 2, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream!” – Amos 5:24
Anyone who is interested in social justice, not only Christians, should be concerned about the following item.
According to Breakpoint, the country of Myanmar (Burma) is ordering that “Christians be wiped out” (from a report in the 1/21 edition of the British newspaper the Telegraph.) The world has learned what can happen if one group of people targets another for destruction. From Nazi Germany to Stalin to Rwanda and the Balkans, unspeakable evils can be attempted by misguided people.
A quote from the article from Breakpoint reads:
This is all part of a pattern of persecution, which includes “ethnic cleansing” of Christian minority groups, the destruction of villages, forced conversions, and even rape and murder. It’s part of the regime’s attempt “to create a uniform society in which the race and language is Burmese and the only accepted religion is Buddhism.”
I encourage anyone who reads this to pray and, if so inclined, to contact your representatives about pressuring China to apply pressure on Myanmar. We’ve learned painful lessons of what happens if we don’t speak out. I would cry out if the situation were reversed – it doesn’t matter who it is, no people group deserves terror like that. Standing for fellow Christians makes it even more pressing.
by Jason Joyner | Jan 31, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
Okay, I don’t know how many read this blog from southeast Idaho (Hi Jenny, hi Chris). If you’re in the Upper Snake River Valley, then you want to put February 7th and 8th on your calendar.
Tom Brock will be at our church, Harvest Foursquare Church, speaking at 7 pm both nights. He is a wonderful teacher, who challenges us deeply each time he comes. He was the one who told us about Calling All Nations in Berlin, and was a big blessing in helping us go there this summer. If you want to know more about him, check out his ministry’s site at Wave of Life.
If you want to be challenged and encouraged by Jesus’ heart for you, then don’t miss this!