
Good morning!

Just what this world needs: another blog, another person’s opinion on everything out there. Well, I can’t promise that this will be especially outstanding. I’m an ordinary guy in a small town in Idaho. But the title of this blog is called “Spoiled for the Ordinary” for a reason. The reason is, I serve a big God, a God of adventure and life. I serve in His kingdom, and because of that reason alone, I have been “spoiled for the ordinary”.

Everyday life doesn’t cut it anymore. Sure, I have to pay bills and go to work and pump my own overpriced gas. However, there is more out there than what we see with mortal eyes. When you truly follow Jesus Christ with abandon, leaning on Him for your every need, you begin to see the workings of this other world. Right now we “see through a glass; darkly”. We don’t even start to get it. Yet, there is life with richness, full life. By being a disciple of Jesus, not just going to church, but truly trying to live the life He calls for, there is more beauty, more freedom, more joy than I can adequately describe.

So I am here. I plan on writing about life as I see it. We’ll see what this leads to.

*grabs mike*

“Testing, 1…2…3… Is this thing on?”