by Jason Joyner | Jul 2, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
On July 5th, I invite you to check out the newest blog on the web, the Scenes and Beans. It is the place for all of the happenings in Kanner Lake, Idaho. The blog is hosted by Bailey Truitt, the proprietor for the Java Joint, the local coffee hangout. She has invited many of her regulars, the colorful folk of Kanner Lake, to post guest blogs as well. Get the dirt on bypass surgery from Wilbur Hicks. Hear all the gossip in town from the local newspaper reporter Leslie Brymes. Dishing folksy wisdom will be Pastor Hank Detcher.
Kanner Lake is a beautiful place, the kind of place that can attract families and newcomers and make them feel at home. You wouldn’t think at all that such a lovely place could be the site of suspense and mayhem…
by Jason Joyner | Jul 2, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
On July 5th, I invite you to check out the newest blog on the web, the Scenes and Beans. It is the place for all of the happenings in Kanner Lake, Idaho. The blog is hosted by Bailey Truitt, the proprietor for the Java Joint, the local coffee hangout. She has invited many of her regulars, the colorful folk of Kanner Lake, to post guest blogs as well. Get the dirt on bypass surgery from Wilbur Hicks. Hear all the gossip in town from the local newspaper reporter Leslie Brymes. Dishing folksy wisdom will be Pastor Hank Detcher.
Kanner Lake is a beautiful place, the kind of place that can attract families and newcomers and make them feel at home. You wouldn’t think at all that such a lovely place could be the site of suspense and mayhem…
by Jason Joyner | Jul 1, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized

I thought I could give Germany a chance to see what it is up against!
Here is our outreach team a week before we head out. Yes, that is us taking our 3 boys with us to Germany. We believe God has a special impartation for them there, and are excited to bring them!
Top, L to R
Marsha, Hailie, Angela, Peggy, and Lee.
Bottom, L to R
Nathan, Beccy, Matthew, Caleb, and me (the one in the hat, not the diaper).
by Jason Joyner | Jul 1, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized

I thought I could give Germany a chance to see what it is up against!
Here is our outreach team a week before we head out. Yes, that is us taking our 3 boys with us to Germany. We believe God has a special impartation for them there, and are excited to bring them!
Top, L to R
Marsha, Hailie, Angela, Peggy, and Lee.
Bottom, L to R
Nathan, Beccy, Matthew, Caleb, and me (the one in the hat, not the diaper).
by Jason Joyner | Jun 30, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Here we are on the third and last day of the Waking Lazarus blog tour, in which I attempt to sound erudite and also like I know something, as I discuss my impressions of TL Hines’ debut.
I must put two small caveats up front: I was going through an intensely stressful time while reading this, and one of the characters hit home for me very closely. I don’t think it colors anything, but there’s the disclaimer.
Actually, I quite enjoyed the book. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was a fun read, rather than a “escape the world quick!” read. The first chapter definitely sucks you in. If the line, “The first time Jude Allman died, he was eight years old,” doesn’t at least pique your curiosity, then you too may be dead. Be sure to check out the first chapter at
He does a very good job with building the characterization of Jude Allman, a man who has died 3 times and became a reluctant celebrity because of it. He disappears and hides under a false identity in the small town of Red Lodge, Montana, and works quietly as a janitor until he has a strange visitor and bad things start happening around town. We get into Jude’s head and his paranoia he deals with due to his prior life, breaking a few literary standards in the process (at least, one doesn’t normally see some of the techniques he uses).
The action builds up well and keeps the pages turning. When it seems the bad guy will be foiled too soon, there’s a couple of twists and the story keeps going. I felt that he gives away Jude’s three near death experiences a little too soon in the story, as these flashbacks seemed to really set my anticipation for what was happening, but it doesn’t distract either.
The tone is a little dark. As mentioned in Tony’s interview yesterday (see below), the antagonist is the Hunter, and he is a serial kidnapper. This can be a little disconcerting, especially when someone has kids. The very squemish may have a problem here, but any gory details are kept far off-screen (page?). One of his influences is Stephen King, but unlike his books, there is hope at the end.
There’s a spiritual theme that weaves in and out of the story, and it feels appropriate to the story and characters. It’s not tacked on to make this part of the Christian fiction fold; in fact, it can be enjoyed by anyone and they won’t feel preached at or intruded upon. It’s a nice touch overall.
I would rate this book highly as a very good debut novel. I look forward to seeing what comes next from the mind of TL Hines. He says part of his inspiration for WL was working cleaning cadaver labs in college, and picturing them sitting up and talking to him. I don’t know what other inspirations he has for stories, but if they entertain and cause suspense like WL, then I won’t care – I’ll just enjoy reading them!
by Jason Joyner | Jun 30, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Here we are on the third and last day of the Waking Lazarus blog tour, in which I attempt to sound erudite and also like I know something, as I discuss my impressions of TL Hines’ debut.
I must put two small caveats up front: I was going through an intensely stressful time while reading this, and one of the characters hit home for me very closely. I don’t think it colors anything, but there’s the disclaimer.
Actually, I quite enjoyed the book. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was a fun read, rather than a “escape the world quick!” read. The first chapter definitely sucks you in. If the line, “The first time Jude Allman died, he was eight years old,” doesn’t at least pique your curiosity, then you too may be dead. Be sure to check out the first chapter at
He does a very good job with building the characterization of Jude Allman, a man who has died 3 times and became a reluctant celebrity because of it. He disappears and hides under a false identity in the small town of Red Lodge, Montana, and works quietly as a janitor until he has a strange visitor and bad things start happening around town. We get into Jude’s head and his paranoia he deals with due to his prior life, breaking a few literary standards in the process (at least, one doesn’t normally see some of the techniques he uses).
The action builds up well and keeps the pages turning. When it seems the bad guy will be foiled too soon, there’s a couple of twists and the story keeps going. I felt that he gives away Jude’s three near death experiences a little too soon in the story, as these flashbacks seemed to really set my anticipation for what was happening, but it doesn’t distract either.
The tone is a little dark. As mentioned in Tony’s interview yesterday (see below), the antagonist is the Hunter, and he is a serial kidnapper. This can be a little disconcerting, especially when someone has kids. The very squemish may have a problem here, but any gory details are kept far off-screen (page?). One of his influences is Stephen King, but unlike his books, there is hope at the end.
There’s a spiritual theme that weaves in and out of the story, and it feels appropriate to the story and characters. It’s not tacked on to make this part of the Christian fiction fold; in fact, it can be enjoyed by anyone and they won’t feel preached at or intruded upon. It’s a nice touch overall.
I would rate this book highly as a very good debut novel. I look forward to seeing what comes next from the mind of TL Hines. He says part of his inspiration for WL was working cleaning cadaver labs in college, and picturing them sitting up and talking to him. I don’t know what other inspirations he has for stories, but if they entertain and cause suspense like WL, then I won’t care – I’ll just enjoy reading them!