by Jason Joyner | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
As Oskar M. Reteep might say, “In the words of Cal’eb the Inquisitive, ‘Here’s where the end starts’.”
The CSFF Tour is
featuring The Warden And The Wolf King, the final book in Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga.
Yesterday I gave a quick synopsis of the first three books in the series. After the events of The Monster In The Hollows, Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli along with their mother Nia and grandfather Podo (the ex-pirate with a wooden leg) are ready to lead the Green Hollows in battle against the fearsome Fangs of Dang (both the Green and Gray varieteis).
The plan was sound, except that the Fangs invaded first.
Now Janner’s family has been separated. Leeli does battle as the Song Maiden in Ban Rona. Janner is lost in the wilderness. And Kalmar rushes toward Throg, the headquarters of the nameless evil called Gnag the Nameless.
To say anymore would be courting serious spoilers, as well as the fury of Mr. Reteep, the Chief Librarian of Ban Rona. He might quote troll poetry at me if I continue.
As for my review:
Andrew Peterson is a songwriter and musician by trade. All through the series, this has been evident in the way he tells stories with lyrical prose and a dreamer’s heart.
I’ve read the other three books to my boys out loud. We’ve read them since they were 8 and 6. Now they’re 14 and 12 and they can’t wait until we can finish the story. (I had to read it early for the tour). I know they’ll be delighted. They’ll be stunned. And they may well be upset with Mr. Peterson with the ultimate cliffhanger. They’ve always lived for each chapter’s cliffhanger, dying when I wouldn’t read them anymore for the night. This is different.
The series is over.
The bittersweet conclusion continues with a fast pace and continues to deepen characters we know and love from the first three books. One constant trait for all of the heroic characters in the book is nobility. Even though all of the heroes show their flaws, they all have a central nobility which speaks about them having a deeper purpose in the midst of their failings.
The action is swifter in this book, and some of the details of world-building that were so delightful in the first books are necessarily sacrificed to move the story along to the conclusion. There are still touches (footnotes from fictional works in the story world), but the book has a specific target now.
I’ve read numerous fantasy and YA books. I enjoy most of what I read. The Wingfeather Saga holds a special place in my heart. It has enlivened the imagination of my boys. It has a character and artistic quality that speaks of its strong core and nature.
I’ve told the story before of how my boys wrote to Mr. Peterson for a school assignment, and they were so thrilled when they both received hand-written responses from him. That’s the type of man that Andrew is, and that wrote these books.
He did a Kickstarter campaign to fund the publishing of the final book (as he had been dropped from the publisher of the first two). His modest goal was topped three times over as fans poured in money to see the book done right.
I share those details to give an understanding of the character of Andrew Peterson and the way he’s touched fans.
So this is a series that I give my highest recommendation. It can inspire boys and girls to be heroic and noble. It speaks of family, love, and doing the right thing even when it hurts. There’s adventure, intrigue, and cliffhangers galore.
And there are toothy cows.
What more can I say? If you haven’t purchased the books yet, do yourself a favor and go to the Rabbit Room and order the set (it also gives more money back to the author than certain A to Z stores…).
If you want to see what others on the tour are saying, see Becky Miller’s site where she updates all of the participants.
I’ll have a final post tomorrow on the Wingfeather Saga and The Warden And The Wolf King.
by Jason Joyner | Jul 21, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
‘Tis a wonderful tour. ‘Tis a sad tour.
Welcome to the July 2014 Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy Tour. This has been one of my favorite blog things to do, and it has introduced me to some wonderful authors and books.
Which leads me to the wonderful/sad conundrum.
We are featuring Andrew Peterson and his fabulous Wingfeather Saga series. This has been a set of books that will be treasured in our house for years to come.
The bad part is that The Warden And The Wolf King is the 4th and final book in the series.
My family’s been waiting for this to finish for a long time. My boys have been patiently waiting for the conclusion. But I realize that the joy in the journey will come to an end as we
close the book on the Wingfeather Saga.
So what’s all the fuss about?
The first book, On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness, we are introduced to the Igiby family: the oldest Janner, his middle brother Kalmar (Tink), and the youngest sister Leeli, who has a twisted leg and requires a crutch. They live happily in Skree with their mother Nia and ex-pirate grandfather Podo. Except for the nasty, lizardy Fangs of Dang who have taken over the land. The soldiers of Gnag the Nameless, the Fangs are looking for the lost jewels of Anniera, a fabled land. The Fangs think the Igibys have the jewels. The Igiby kids don’t even know what the jewels are, so that creates a problem…
In the second book, North! Or Be Eaten, the Igiby family must flee their town to head for the Ice Prairies of Skree, where the lizard Fangs can’t function. Of course, the way is blocked with treacherous dangers like Stranders, Woes, and the insidious Fork Factory. And there’s a secret that Gnag is ready to unleash on the unsuspecting people of Skree…
So that’s why in book three, The Monster In The Hollows, the Igiby family escapes from Skree and heads east across the Dark Sea to the Green Hollows, the former homeland of Nia and Podo. The Hollowsfolk are the one people to stand against and repel the Fangs of Dang, so it should be a safe refuge. Except for a funny condition that has overtaken Kalmar. It seems that he now resembles a new type of Fang…
And that leads us to The Warden And The Wolf King. I’ll discuss the book and give my review tomorrow. If you’re interested in the series, I encourage you to skip Amazon and purchase it directly from The Rabbit Room, an artist collective that Andrew belongs to. He gets more money than what Amazon or other corporate stores give back.
If you want to, you can check out my past coverage of the series here.
There’s also more information from my fellow travelers below. Check out their blogs for more on Andrew Peterson.
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Pauline Creeden
Vicky DealSharingAunt
Carol Gehringer
Victor Gentile
Ryan Heart
Bruce Hennigan
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Writer Rani
Nathan Reimer
Chawna Schroeder
Jojo Sutis
Rachel Starr Thomson
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler
Disclaimer: I helped fund the publication through a Kickstarter campaign, so the FCC can pass on by.
by Jason Joyner | Jul 20, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
If you’re a fan of Christian speculative fiction, I’ve got a deal for you.

Enclave Publishing (Formerly Marcher Lord Press) is doing a Kickstarter campaign to help fund their fall slate of books, five different books in all. There’s science fiction, superhero, dystopian, and fantasy among the offerings, including an updated version of the excellent classic sci-fi book Firebird by Kathy Tyers.
The cool thing is that the campaign has already met its goal. But it will continue until August 14.
Basically you can preorder any of these books at a great price. For as little as $6, you can get an ebook version of your choice of these books. Higher amounts will give access to more books and either print or ebook versions.
Don’t let this opportunity to show support for quality Christian speculative fiction pass you by. I’ve made my pledge. It’s a great deal.
by Jason Joyner | Jun 9, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
As I continue to write and revise, I am learning all the time. What a surprise – we don’t learn it all at once. I know all of us writers can say that.
When I hired a freelance editor this winter to help me with my manuscripts, one of the things he picked up on was my chapter endings. Early in the story I had a tendency to wrap up the scene at the end of a chapter instead of leaving people hanging for more. Toward the end of the book I did better with the cliffhangers, but I needed to stretch it all the way through the book.
I saw his point and worked on making sure I did more to make people want to read on. But then I started watching the show Arrow on the CW network.
Holy hanging by a thread, Batman.
The show is a modern version of the DC Comics superhero Green Arrow. They’ve made him gritty, realistic, and the show is a mix of adventure and adrenaline mixed in with some amazing story hooks.
And cliffhangers.
The bad guy shows that he’s got a new trick up his sleeve. The one person that was killed – are they really dead? On and on it went, never a dull ending.
There is not an episode that doesn’t end leaving the viewer crying, “More!” That worked when we were catching up on Netflix, but now that my boys and I are caught up, we’re stuck waiting.
And we’re dying.
I thought I had the trick of keeping a reader hooked figured out, until I started watching Arrow. Now I know what it is really like. Of course the types of media are different and the type of episodic programming of TV doesn’t fully translate to writing a novel. I can’t have such major events happening each chapter.
But it doesn’t hurt to try.
So Ben Wolf, mr. freelance editor (who did a fantastic job BTW, I would highly recommend him), we’ll see what I can come up with now.
Check out this video for a slight hint on what Arrow is like each weekend.
by Jason Joyner | May 13, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
The tragedy is unthinkable.
Three hundred girls – teenagers who are the hope of their villages and pride of their families – ripped from their school by terrorists posing as the soldiers who should protect them from the terrorists.
The horror that the girls and their families in Nigeria are dealing with is truly terrible. We complain in the West about so many things, but how often does something of this magnitude happen?
It is heartening to see the world shine a light on Nigeria and put pressure to get them back from the monsters known as Boko Haram. It shows the power of social media to amplify something until it is picked up by the wider world.
A key is to keep this in the spotlight so people can pray and continue to advocate until all the girls are home. Western media is so quick to move onto the next big outrage, so it is imperative that we keep bringing up these girls and not back down.
If you want to talk about this on social media, use the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.
Thanks for taking a moment to remember those who need deliverance in such a hard time.
There’s still time to get entered for my book giveaway of Jill Williamson’s Captives. Leave a comment on this post before May 19th to be entered to win.
by Jason Joyner | Aug 27, 2013 | Blog, Uncategorized
It’s two for one month.
The Christian Sci-fi/Fantasy Tour is doing two August features. We just finished with Captives by Jill Williamson, a young adult dystopian novel. Now we’re featuring the fantasy series The Staff And The Sword by Patrick W. Carr. The first two books in the series are A Cast Of Stones and The Hero’s Lot.
The bad news is that I didn’t have time to read both books, so I didn’t read A Cast Of Stones. The good news that if you go this week, A Cast Of Stones is free on Kindle and Nook, so you can check out the beginning of this series and see if it is worth your while. If you like it, you can pick up A Hero’s Lot and wait for the final book A Draw Of Kings in January.
Praise for “A Cast of Stones” –
“VERDICT This fast-paced fantasy debut set in a medieval world is a winner. Both main and secondary characters are fully drawn and endearing, and Errol’s transformation from drunkard to hero is well plotted.” ~Library Journal
“Carr’s debut, the first in a series, is assured and up-tempo, with much to enjoy in characterization and description.”~Publisher’s Weekly
My fellow tour members below will have more on these books, and Becky Miller collects all of the posts on her page here. So what are you waiting for? There’s a free book out there for you!
Julie Bihn Jennifer Bogart Keanan Brand Beckie Burnham Jeff Chapman Laure Covert Pauline Creeden Emma or Audrey Engel April Erwin Nikole Hahn Jason Joyner Carol Keen Krystine Kercher Shannon McDermott Meagan @ Blooming with Books Rebecca LuElla Miller Writer Rani Nathan Reimer Chawna Schroeder Jojo Sutis Steve Trower Phyllis Wheeler Rachel Wyant