by Jason Joyner | Sep 19, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Aye, Edenstar, is the focus o’ the CSFF tour this month. As Me mentioned yesterday, it has (dare Me say) a plethora o’ listin’s o’ Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy products. Madeleine L’engle, Frank Partti, Stephen Lawhead, and o’ course Tolkien and C.s. Lewis. Thar be o’er 600 listin’s thar.
The site does have a couple o’ special features. It has both author interviews and reviews. Ahoy, the re’iew section isn’t updated any more due t’ time constraints, but it is a ‘aluable feature nonetheless. The re’iew section also points t’ other re’iews on other sites.
I’ll talk a little more about Edenstar tomorrow, and also launch int’ the blog tour for a new release. Me hope people like these tours. Let me gi’e big props t’ Becky Miller and Bonnie Calhoun for organizin’ these e’ents. I know others work on them as well, and t’ you Me gi’e my thanks as well, but these amazin’ women spearhead e’erythin’. Stop by their blogs and gi’e them a shout, will you? Oh, and be sure t’ check out the other ladies and gents o’ the Speculati’e Fiction tour below.
Come back later, and you can get this post without the pirate talk. But ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty! 😀
Jim Black Jackie Castle Valerie Comer Bryan Davis Beth Goddard Leathel Grody Karen Hancock Elliot Hanowski Katie Hart Sherrie Hibbs Sharon Hinck Joleen Howell Tina Kulesa Kevin Lucia Rachel Marks Shannon McNear Rebecca LuElla Miller Cheryl Russel Mirtika Schultz Stuart Stockton Steve Trower Speculative Faith
by Jason Joyner | Sep 19, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Aye, Edenstar, is the focus o’ the CSFF tour this month. As Me mentioned yesterday, it has (dare Me say) a plethora o’ listin’s o’ Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy products. Madeleine L’engle, Frank Partti, Stephen Lawhead, and o’ course Tolkien and C.s. Lewis. Thar be o’er 600 listin’s thar.
The site does have a couple o’ special features. It has both author interviews and reviews. Ahoy, the re’iew section isn’t updated any more due t’ time constraints, but it is a ‘aluable feature nonetheless. The re’iew section also points t’ other re’iews on other sites.
I’ll talk a little more about Edenstar tomorrow, and also launch int’ the blog tour for a new release. Me hope people like these tours. Let me gi’e big props t’ Becky Miller and Bonnie Calhoun for organizin’ these e’ents. I know others work on them as well, and t’ you Me gi’e my thanks as well, but these amazin’ women spearhead e’erythin’. Stop by their blogs and gi’e them a shout, will you? Oh, and be sure t’ check out the other ladies and gents o’ the Speculati’e Fiction tour below.
Come back later, and you can get this post without the pirate talk. But ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty! 😀
Jim Black Jackie Castle Valerie Comer Bryan Davis Beth Goddard Leathel Grody Karen Hancock Elliot Hanowski Katie Hart Sherrie Hibbs Sharon Hinck Joleen Howell Tina Kulesa Kevin Lucia Rachel Marks Shannon McNear Rebecca LuElla Miller Cheryl Russel Mirtika Schultz Stuart Stockton Steve Trower Speculative Faith
by Jason Joyner | Sep 18, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized

That’s right! My favorite goofy day of the year is here tomorrow, Sept, 19th. Time for all of us to swab the poop deck, dig for booty, and call someone a bilge rat. Make sure to say “Arrrrr” at least once tomorrow, and you will make me happy.
If you need help on suggestions on what to do, make sure to check out the site for Talk Like a Pirate Day.
by Jason Joyner | Sep 18, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized

That’s right! My favorite goofy day of the year is here tomorrow, Sept, 19th. Time for all of us to swab the poop deck, dig for booty, and call someone a bilge rat. Make sure to say “Arrrrr” at least once tomorrow, and you will make me happy.
If you need help on suggestions on what to do, make sure to check out the site for Talk Like a Pirate Day.
by Jason Joyner | Sep 18, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Today is the Christian Sci-Fi and Fantasy blog tour. Instead of doing a book review today, we are focusing on the website Edenstar.
If you are looking for a resource for finding quality Sci-Fi or Fantasy from a Christian perspective, then this is a great place to start. The couple,
Bill and Cheryl Bader, used their talents (his – library and cataloguing, hers – web design) to create Edenstar.
From their site:
For Christians who enjoy science fiction and fantasy, finding the fiction we like to read can be tough.
The traditional Christian bookstore shelves science fiction with other fiction. So we sort through prairie romances to find the occasional science fiction or fantasy title.
In the general-market bookstore, Christian science fiction is shelved with other science fiction, if it’s carried at all. So here again we sift through inappropriate material to find the books we like to read.
That’s why we started Edenstar Books and Games in February 2003. We believe there are many others like us, who would love to read more Christian-themed science fiction and fantasy, if they just knew where to find it.
They have over 600 items listed on their site! They have it categorized in many ways that make it easy to find what you’re looking for: Adults, Kids, Videos, Games, and specific categories for Narnia and Tolkien, the foundations of Christian fantasy.
Be sure to check them out, and I will share a little more about Edenstar over the next couple of days. Be sure to check out my friends in the tour below for more CSFF goodness!
Jim Black
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Bryan Davis
Beth Goddard
Leathel Grody
Karen Hancock
Elliot Hanowski
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Tina Kulesa
Kevin Lucia
Rachel Marks
Shannon McNear
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Cheryl Russel
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
by Jason Joyner | Sep 18, 2006 | Blog, Uncategorized
Today is the Christian Sci-Fi and Fantasy blog tour. Instead of doing a book review today, we are focusing on the website Edenstar.
If you are looking for a resource for finding quality Sci-Fi or Fantasy from a Christian perspective, then this is a great place to start. The couple,
Bill and Cheryl Bader, used their talents (his – library and cataloguing, hers – web design) to create Edenstar.
From their site:
For Christians who enjoy science fiction and fantasy, finding the fiction we like to read can be tough.
The traditional Christian bookstore shelves science fiction with other fiction. So we sort through prairie romances to find the occasional science fiction or fantasy title.
In the general-market bookstore, Christian science fiction is shelved with other science fiction, if it’s carried at all. So here again we sift through inappropriate material to find the books we like to read.
That’s why we started Edenstar Books and Games in February 2003. We believe there are many others like us, who would love to read more Christian-themed science fiction and fantasy, if they just knew where to find it.
They have over 600 items listed on their site! They have it categorized in many ways that make it easy to find what you’re looking for: Adults, Kids, Videos, Games, and specific categories for Narnia and Tolkien, the foundations of Christian fantasy.
Be sure to check them out, and I will share a little more about Edenstar over the next couple of days. Be sure to check out my friends in the tour below for more CSFF goodness!
Jim Black
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Bryan Davis
Beth Goddard
Leathel Grody
Karen Hancock
Elliot Hanowski
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Tina Kulesa
Kevin Lucia
Rachel Marks
Shannon McNear
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Cheryl Russel
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith