by Jason Joyner | Jan 26, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
Brandilyn Collins had a post today that I could whole-heartedly support. It seems there are a couple of guys running around saying that they have the truth, and the truth is that us religious folk are out of our minds.
Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris have written two best-selling books that promote the idea that Christianity (and other religions, but we know who they’re talking about) is irrational. Well, having read Francis Schaeffer I would disagree.
However, Brandilyn’s point is not debating them, but suggesting prayer for them. To us, it is the best thing possible that we can do for them. To them, as BC puts it:
Of course, these two men and their followers can’t be the least offended by our campaign. No point in them leaving nasty comments on this blog. After all, there is no God, and we’re talking to thin air. So if we want to waste our time, why should that bother any of them in the least? What is the point of arguing with the deluded?
So check out the post from Forensics and Faith today. Here’s a link to Isaiah 50:4-5 (NIV). If it so moves your heart, then I encourage you to partake in this prayer challenge as well!
by Jason Joyner | Jan 24, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
I’m not officially part of this month’s Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy blog tour this month. Starting my new job is a little too much right now – plus I haven’t been able to partake of the feature this month: The Door Within trilogy by Wayne Thomas Batson.
However, I want to point you in the direction of the CSFF tour. These books sound great, and I think that there is a mild groundswell of popular support for more quality speculative fiction from a Christian Worldview.
So check out A Christian Worldview of Fiction for the list of participants in the tour. I should be back on the tour next month.
by Jason Joyner | Jan 24, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
I’m not officially part of this month’s Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy blog tour this month. Starting my new job is a little too much right now – plus I haven’t been able to partake of the feature this month: The Door Within trilogy by Wayne Thomas Batson.
However, I want to point you in the direction of the CSFF tour. These books sound great, and I think that there is a mild groundswell of popular support for more quality speculative fiction from a Christian Worldview.
So check out A Christian Worldview of Fiction for the list of participants in the tour. I should be back on the tour next month.
by Jason Joyner | Jan 20, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
Whoo-hoo! Just got the CD for Calling All Nations, back in July 2006. We were hoping for a DVD of the event (which doesn’t seem to be in the works right now), but the CD is great to bring back memories of the day.
There was a little disappointment with a few aspects of this. The Psalm Drummers opened the day with amazing anointing and power, but the CD segment of them is very short. Some songs on the CD were edited such that they don’t come across as live performances as much, until the end when the crowd cheers. (Side note: we also were bummed not to hear ourselves in the international choir on Brian Doerksen’s song “Come”, but I figure we were pretty hard to pick up properly)
We could argue about the choice of songs, but with 10 hours of worship, it is an impossible task to pick them all! Some highlights on the CD are “Consuming Fire”, “Mercy Is Falling”, “One Hope”, “Don’t You Know”, and “All Over This World”.
I know it was one day, and life in the Kingdom goes on, serving Jesus day by day. Still, it is important to remember where and when the Lord has met you, so when you are in a desert place you recall the faithfulness of our King in all we do – even in a time of trial. 
by Jason Joyner | Jan 20, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
Whoo-hoo! Just got the CD for Calling All Nations, back in July 2006. We were hoping for a DVD of the event (which doesn’t seem to be in the works right now), but the CD is great to bring back memories of the day.
There was a little disappointment with a few aspects of this. The Psalm Drummers opened the day with amazing anointing and power, but the CD segment of them is very short. Some songs on the CD were edited such that they don’t come across as live performances as much, until the end when the crowd cheers. (Side note: we also were bummed not to hear ourselves in the international choir on Brian Doerksen’s song “Come”, but I figure we were pretty hard to pick up properly)
We could argue about the choice of songs, but with 10 hours of worship, it is an impossible task to pick them all! Some highlights on the CD are “Consuming Fire”, “Mercy Is Falling”, “One Hope”, “Don’t You Know”, and “All Over This World”.
I know it was one day, and life in the Kingdom goes on, serving Jesus day by day. Still, it is important to remember where and when the Lord has met you, so when you are in a desert place you recall the faithfulness of our King in all we do – even in a time of trial. 
by Jason Joyner | Jan 20, 2007 | Blog, Uncategorized
I don’t have time to read every book the CFBA reviews, but this one is on my list of to-reads right now. My wife is in the middle of it, but wasn’t able to finish it in time for the tour. So I’ll leave you with the CFBA promotional blurb, and follow up with Beccy’s review when she’s done!
This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is posting about Arms of Deliverance (Moody Publishers, 2006) by Tricia Goyer (fellow CFBA member, blogger, writer, and homeschooling mom!)
Tricia Goyer is one the members of the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (Tricia’s Blog, “It’s Real Life” Tricia’s Parenting Blog, “Generation NeXt“) and we are pleased to be able to review her exciting historical fiction book, Arms of Deliverance.
She was named Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference “Writer of the Year” in 2003. Tricia was also a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award and won ACFW’s “Book of the Year” for Long Historial Romance in 2005 AND in 2006. She has written hundreds of articles, Bible Study notes, and both fiction (three other WWII novels, From Dust to Ashes, Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights. Night Song, the second title in Tricia’s World War II series, won ACFW’s Book of the Year for Best Long Historical Romance.) and non-fiction books.
She’s married to John, and they have three great kids whom she homeschools: Cory (17), Leslie (14), and Nathan (12). They make their home in Northwest Montana with their dog, Lilly.
The fourth and final novel in this exhilarating series capturing the tales of men and women swept into World War II.
EUROPE, 1944
Katrine, a Czech Jew, is so successful in her attempt to pass as an Aryan that she finds herself dating a Nazi officer. Having convinced him of her genetic purity, the officer sends her to stay at a Lebensborn home–a Nazi breeding program in which children are raised and indoctrinated by the state.
Meanwhile, two friends, Mary and Lee, one a socialite, the other a working class girl, land similar reporting jobs at the New York Tribune on the eve of the war’s outbreak. Now rivals with assignments on the frontlines of war-torn Europe, Lee joins troops sailing for Normandy, while Mary’s destiny lies in the cramped quarters of a B-17 bearing down on Berlin. Before the presses roll, their lives will be indelibly marked by a caring American navigator, brave French resistors, and a maniacal Nazi officer. Arms of Deliverance is a story of unexpected redemption.
Read Chapter One on Tricia’s Blog.