by Jason Joyner | Jul 17, 2023 | books, fiction, speculative fiction

A literal fork in the road. Didn’t realize how may of these are out there!
Hey friends. I hope things are going well. Today I get to talk about a fork in the road.
Life is full of changes, and we have to learn to adapt with them. As I tell people, God is more interested in our character and journey than the destination. As we walk the road, we may think we’re definitely, absolutely going to our chosen goal. Then things happen. Maybe God redirects us. Perhaps something unexpected (to us) crops up, and we have to walk a different path than we anticipated. We think we’re going in one direction but the trail veers another way. What do we do?
My writing has gone through a season of being remade. Mainly, my publisher has had to close. So my YA superhero trilogy, Rise of the Anointed (Launch, Fractures, Anointed) are no longer available online.
These things unfortunately happen. However, I am looking at a path forward for getting my books available again, along with new projects that I’m excited to share at the right time.
If you’ve wanted to complete the series, you can reach out to me directly as I still have a few copies left. Otherwise, I’ll be sharing things as I move forward into a new season of my writing journey. I hope you’ll join me for more heroic tales!
by Jason Joyner | Feb 6, 2019 | awards, Blog, fiction, speculative fiction
It’s been a whirlwind start to the new year already. I can’t believe it is February already.
I hope the year is going well for all of you out there. I’m thankful to say that it has been a good start of the year for my book Launch that came out last July. I received two bits of news I wanted to share. 
First of all, I found out that Launch tied for Gold in the young adult fiction category for the Illumination Book Awards, highlighting the best in books written with a Christian worldview. That was an amazing piece of news. I was also excited to find I tied with my writer friend Gillian Bronte Adams and her fantasy book Song of Leira. Gillian’s an amazing writer, so sharing the award with her is an honor.
The next week continued the good news. The INSPY’s are the blogger’s award for faith-driven fiction. They came out with their longlists, the top ten books for each category, and Launch made it in the YA category. All books have to be nominated and voted by readers, so it was an honor to have enough people nominate Launch that I made the cut. When I look at all the authors who are nominated, it is such an esteemed group.
It’s been an adventure having a book out for readers to discover and enjoy. If you’ve read Launch, leaving a review on Amazon and telling friends is the best thing for an author.
Book 2 is being worked on as we speak. The editor is wielding her red pen, and I expect to be working on revisions soon. While waiting, I’m already working on book 3. The trilogy is coming together. I hope to have more news soon.
I’m going to try to blog more in 2019. If there’s any topics you’d like to discuss, leave a comment below. I’ll leave you with a question – what’s a book you’re looking forward to reading this year?
by Jason Joyner | Oct 3, 2018 | Blog, books, fiction, speculative fiction
Huzzah! I have finally hit 1000 followers on Twitter. To all the bots who follow me, I thank you. 
Seriously, it’s just one marker out there on social media, but it’s a pretty cool landmark. And I’m in the mood to celebrate.
This summer I released my debut YA superhero novel, Launch. I’ve had a great time connecting with readers over it and seeing it in the hands of people. So I want to give a copy of Launch away to keep it going.
I have two talented friends, John W. Otte and Matt Mikalatos who have ALSO written some awesome superhero books: Failstate and Capeville.
So the winner will receive a copy of ALL THREE BOOKS.
You can find out more about the contest here. You get an entry just for signing up, and bonus chances for things like following me on Instagram or signing up for my newsletter (where you can win more prizes this month, shhh, don’t tell).
If you like Marvel, DC, the Incredibles, or are fans of cool adventurous fiction, then sign up for this trifecta of goodness. You won’t be disappointed.
by Jason Joyner | Apr 22, 2014 | Blog, CSFF, John W. Otte, Numb, reviews, speculative fiction
Usually, being numb is not fun.
I can attest, as I currently have a pinched nerve that is affecting a couple of fingers on my right hand. BTW, if you see any typos, I blame it on not feeling the keys.
But one author saw something different in that idea. Thus, the new adult science fiction book Numb by John W. Otte.
Crusader is numb.
He doesn’t feel emotions or pain. This makes him the perfect instrument of God’s divine judgment, as divined by the Ministrix. If he stays obedient, he will earn his justification and receive pardon for his sins.
As one of the Ministrix’s top operatives, he is used to success. But when he is charged with killing Isolda Westin, something happens.
A rush of emotions.
Suddenly Crusader can’t process with his usual clinical coldness. Instead of killing Isolda, he kidnaps her to discover the secret of this strange failing. But doing so will damn his soul.
What is a holy assassin to do?
What an intriguing premise! The good news is that John delivers on all fronts: characters, plot, and the science fiction setting. Set against a war between the atheistic Praesidium and the holy church Ministrix, the novel finds Crusader striking down heretics and protecting the Church’s interests.
His name is appropriate, yes?
Crusader is a driven character and his resistance to emotional or physical pain is something he leans on heavily to accomplish his mission. When he freezes with the feelings that Isolda triggers, he doesn’t know what to do. The conflict keeps the reader guessing and intrigued throughout the book. The action keeps careening through space stations and starships.
Not only does the action hold attention, the characters have depth so they aren’t just plot puppets. Isolda has strengthens and doubts, and Crusader wrestles with these pesky feelings that he hasn’t had to deal with before.
Finally, the ideas that Numb introduce are very thought-provoking. The Ministrix believes that Christ came down from the Cross as a conquering Lord, ready to impose His will after defeating death. This idea gives the brutal treatment of Ministrix opponents a logical justification. There’s a fringe group that has different beliefs, and their quest to avoid the heavy hand of the Church plays into the conflict as well.
Overall, John Otte has written an intelligent and exciting science fiction novel with a sincere wrestling of spiritual issues. Any sci-fi fan should enjoy this book.
If you’d like more on this book, see Becky Miller’s post for all of the participants and updated info.
by Jason Joyner | Apr 21, 2014 | Blog, CSFF, John W. Otte, Numb, speculative fiction, writers are strange
“Are you my mummy?” photo by Karen Barnett |
Hello science fiction fans. The Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy Tour for May is featuring a great book by an awesome guy.
But for some reason he chose to wear a mask in this picture.
We are featuring Numb by John W. Otte, an adult science fiction book.
Tomorrow I’ll get into the book, but I’m blessed to count John as a friend. We’ve interacted through the CSFF Tour for years, and then we met at the ACFW Conference in Dallas in 2012.
It was my first contest, and having a familiar face in the crowd kept me hanging with John and the cool speculative fiction crowd, even though my WIP was suspense.
We met up again at the same conference in Indianapolis last September and continued to have a blast. So when I review the book, know that there is some bias, but I’ll try to be objective.
Here’s some fun facts about John Otte to get us started.
He stands out in a crowd. Or should I say, above a crowd.
He might be something of a conspiracy theorist.
John is an ordained Lutheran pastor.
He is the organizer of the infamous game nights at the ACFW Conference. Once Upon A Time, there was a Fiasco…
He’s written a YA superhero series: Failstate, Failstate: Legends, and the third book due later this year.
John knows how to suffer. (He’s a Minnesota Vikings fan.)
He’s an avid gamer. (“Shepard.” “Wrex.”)
John is a great brainstormer to help other novelists. We gathered by the elevators in Indy to talk stories, and if John got an idea, his hands would shoot to his head like he was miming putting on a hat (or doing a moose impression). I’ve got trademark pending for his tagline: Don’t modify your story, Otte-fy your story.
One last link: here’s his tale on how he came up with the idea for Numb.
See all the people below? Those are my fellow tourists on the tour. See what they have to say about Numb and check back tomorrow for my review.
Julie Bihn
Jennifer Bogart
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Pauline Creeden
Vicky DealSharingAunt
Carol Gehringer
Victor Gentile
Rebekah Gyger
Nikole Hahn
Carol Keen
Emileigh Latham
Rebekah Loper
Jennette Mbewe
Amber McCallister
Shannon McDermott
Shannon McNear
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Joan Nienhuis
Faye Oygard
Writer Rani
Nathan Reimer
Jojo Sutis
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler
Nicole White
by Jason Joyner | Mar 19, 2014 | Blog, CSFF, speculative fiction
Welcome, those who desire adventure.
The CSFF Tour has that today in the March feature, A Draw Of Kings, the third book in the Staff and the Patrick Carr.
Sword series by
The series comes with a lot of praise. The first book, A Cast Of Stones, was listed as one of the best Christian fiction books of 2013 by Library Journal. I have heard praise about it from many of my Christian fiction writer friends.
Perhaps the best praise is from my 13 year old, who just finished the middle book, The Hero’s Lot, in two days after getting it this weekend. I have a feeling A Draw Of Kings will meet a similar fate.
I didn’t get to read this in time, but check out the folks below for more. As always, our leader Becky Miller has the whole update on the latest posts here.
Gillian Adams
Jennifer Bogart
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Mike Coville
Pauline Creeden
Vicky DealSharingAunt
Carol Gehringer
Victor Gentile
Rebekah Gyger
Nikole Hahn
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Jennette Mbewe
Amber McCallister
Shannon McDermott
Shannon McNear
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Joan Nienhuis
Writer Rani
Nathan Reimer
Audrey Sauble
James Somers
Jojo Sutis
Steve Trower
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler
Nicole White
Jill Williamson