by Jason Joyner | Sep 2, 2008 | Blog, miscellaneous, parenting
“Put us to bed Daddy!” my four year old gleefully announced prior to their bedtime.
You may be asking, “How in the world can I get MY kids to accept bedtime so eagerly?” I will share my experience with you, absolutely free. Nowhere else, but this blog, will you get such amazing advice.
Get bunk beds.
Since we’re expecting Baby in October, we needed to compress space. My wife is an avid garage sale shopper, and she found a perfect solution for us, a bunk bed with a twin on top and a full on bottom, thus allowing for three boys in one room. My two older boys already shared a room and a full bed, but the youngest was very excited to join his brothers, and the novelty of the bunk beds fueled the older ones’ interest. Tonight was the first night they get to experience this, and I about fell over when the above statement was shared with us!
Of course, I have no delusions about this blissful state lasting. And note, I didn’t offer this excitement for bedtime as a permanent solution. But it should make bedtime for a few nights an anticipation, rather than trepidation…
by Jason Joyner | Jun 30, 2008 | Blog, miscellaneous, parenting, praise

I hinted a while back that we are having a special addition in the fall. Here’s the first pictures of the newest member of our family! Aren’t the feet adorable?
We’re very excited. We’ve slowly gotten out of baby mode, so it will be a little challenge to go back into it. We have good helpers though. The boys have also come up with some interesting name suggestions, from “Sonic” to “Snake Eyes” (blame that one on G.I. Joe).
After the ultrasound, people around here were very curious about what we were having, seeing as we have three boys. I was proud to announce that we’re having a human. Of course, ultrasound pictures can sometimes look creepy, but take my word for it.
She is much cuter than the pictures suggest.
by Jason Joyner | Jun 30, 2008 | Blog, miscellaneous, parenting, praise

I hinted a while back that we are having a special addition in the fall. Here’s the first pictures of the newest member of our family! Aren’t the feet adorable?
We’re very excited. We’ve slowly gotten out of baby mode, so it will be a little challenge to go back into it. We have good helpers though. The boys have also come up with some interesting name suggestions, from “Sonic” to “Snake Eyes” (blame that one on G.I. Joe).
After the ultrasound, people around here were very curious about what we were having, seeing as we have three boys. I was proud to announce that we’re having a human. Of course, ultrasound pictures can sometimes look creepy, but take my word for it.
She is much cuter than the pictures suggest.
by Jason Joyner | Mar 25, 2008 | Blog, miscellaneous
So last week was kinda busy. I ran around to a couple of different appointments to find out that my wrist may not quite be broken – still waiting to find out for sure. With all that, and work and life in general, I’m having a hard time posting here regularly. The next few days are committed to blog tours, so I’ll finish my thoughts on God’s sovereignty in fiction after these tours. For the two or three that are reading, that is…
by Jason Joyner | Mar 25, 2008 | Blog, miscellaneous
So last week was kinda busy. I ran around to a couple of different appointments to find out that my wrist may not quite be broken – still waiting to find out for sure. With all that, and work and life in general, I’m having a hard time posting here regularly. The next few days are committed to blog tours, so I’ll finish my thoughts on God’s sovereignty in fiction after these tours. For the two or three that are reading, that is…
by Jason Joyner | Jan 29, 2008 | Blog, books, fiction, miscellaneous, work
Wow! How often do we get snow days anymore? Growing up, it was always the best day when we had a snow out, keeping us from class. I grew up in a rural community, so there were always kids who would get snowed into a farm or ranch even if we had school. I, on the other hand, had no excuse.
I lived a block from school.
I thought about trying to call in saying I was stuck, but they’d probably say something like, “I’m looking out the window and I can see your driveway. Nice try.”
Today had a bit of a black cloud in the otherwise bonus day off: I have to travel an hour into the high mountain desert on a bus, catching it at 5:30 am. So first, they didn’t cancel right away, so I had to get up early and trudge (more like skate) to the bus stop. Then, they sent us home at 10 am, but we sat at the bus depot for an hour before heading out so they could be sure they got everyone. Ah well. I still got six hours at home I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Well spent paying bills and playing G.I. Joes with my 3 boys. Yo Joe!
This gave me plenty of time to dive into the latest book I chose for the CFBA blog tour: My Name is Russell Fink by Michael Snyder. So far it is an interesting read, and I’ll have more in a couple of weeks. However, I just had to share this quote from it today. The main character is a hypochondriac, and is getting a mole biopsied by his doctor. Of course, he is sure it is cancer, so he is a bit nervous doing the procedure:
I begin to speak but have to stop and clear my throat. “Please tell me you’ve done this before, Doc. That you’re not reading the instructions as you go.”
“Actually, I’m using this paint-by-numbers kit that came with my mail-order medical license.”
The wit of Mike Snyder, ladies and gentlemen.