Just saw on the Calling All Nations website that there’s a live CD of the event that is now available here.
From the site:
Calling All Nations on July 15th 2006, was a truly historic gathering. The youth of the world and the young at heart were called to come and worship in the great and strategic city of Berlin. 25,000 people from more than 42 nations came.
Also, an amazing global team of worship leaders and musicians came together to serve the event. This was a unique day and the album is one you won’t want to miss.
Worship leaders include: Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Brian Doerksen, Delirious?, Andrea & Albert Frey, Reuben Morgan, Noel Richards, Dave Bilbrough, yfriday, Broken Walls, Psalm Drummers, onehundredhours, Lothar Kosse & David Ruis. 20 outstanding tracks on this album.
I’m still waiting for the DVD, but I will be getting this as well. It was an awesome event, and would be a great addition to any worship collection. Hey, I might even being in the choir for one of Brian Doerksen’s songs! Whooo!