It’s always interesting how God uses times in our lives for His purposes. He seems to especially delight in seeing what we say, and then checking back with us to see if we REALLY MEAN IT. You post one day on your blog about living life “spoiled for the ordinary,” seeing how God can lead us on His adventure. You might have the opportunity to speak at church, and talk about riding the rapids with Jesus. How in the river of God, the best place to be is in the middle of the river where it is deep riding His currents, rather than wading in the shallow water and getting caught up in debris on the sides of the shore. Even if you go over the waterfall and have some turbulence. You might even get called in to a meeting at work and be told that your contract is not being renewed.


What did you say?

Is that a snicker I hear?

Yes, God does have a sense of humor. And yes, that would be yours truly, who had an eventful week, to say the least. Seems I’ve been spouting off lately about really trusting in God and going wherever the Spirit takes you. I would caution people that if you want to do that type of thing, be ready to have Him take you up on it! Because there is a very good chance that He will.

The rest of the story is, my employers decided to exercise a “no cause” clause in my contract, stating that even though they liked me as a person, and couldn’t really fault my work, they didn’t think I was a fit with what they wanted to do. Interesting. Thus I get to live up to my bold talk, or eat my words. Let me tell you, I’m not really up to second helpings. It’s been a hard week (with that and Blogger, I haven’t been able to post), but I’m determined to say, “Okay Jesus, You are in control, even when I can’t see it”.

Oh, and the writer in me has already pondered how to use the emotion and experience of this week in my writing! Powerful stuff…

Stay tuned as the adventure unfolds.